
Emergency Radiology: Imaging of Acute Pathologies 3rd Edition

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This book offers a comprehensive review of acute pathologies commonly encountered in the emergency room as diagnosed by radiologic imaging. In the emergency and trauma setting, accurate and consistent interpretation of imaging studies are critical to the care of acutely ill and injured patients. To aid readers, chapters are organized by anatomical sections that present the primary ER imaging areas of the acute abdomen, pelvis, thorax, neck, head, brain and spine, and osseous structures. For each section, the common diagnoses are concisely described and are accompanied by relevant clinical facts and key teaching points that emphasize the importance of radiologic interpretation in clinical patient management. The role of modalities such as plain radiography, computed tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine imaging in managing emergency conditions is highlighted. The third edition is thoroughly updated and includes over 750 images and multiple choice questions in each chapter. Two additional chapters have also been added: plain x-ray imaging findings and 50 imaging signs in emergency radiology. Emphasizing the core concepts in emergency radiology, this book is a valuable resource for radiologists, residents, and fellows.

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